
Computer Architecture 29

Lecture 10a: Instruction Set Architecture

Data types MIPS supports 2's complement integers , unsigned integers , floating points Operate Instruction MIPS R-type instructions are binary operations I-type instructions = immediate + R-type instruction F type operation = floating-point operations. the bits before immediate is to identify whether next bits are immediate or register. In MIPS by seeing Opcode we can tell whether it is immediat..

Lecture 9: Von Neumann Model ISA LC3 MIPS

Von Neumann model (LC-3 , MIPS) Memory the toal number of addresses is the address space LC-3 = 2^16 ==16bit addresses , a unique address for each 16 bit data word MIPS = 32 bit address , a unique address for each 32bit data word each data digit is 4bits so total 32bits. x86-64 = 48bit addresses Byte addressable memory 1 block is 1byte == 8bits. now you can access in units of byte. we are going ..

Lecture 7b: HW Description Lang. & Verilog

Two main styles of HDL implementation Strcutural (Gate Level) Describe how modules are interconnected with gates Behavioral The module body contains functional description of the circuit Level of abstraction is higher than gate-level (but gate-level realizations) // You can assign partial buses wire [15:0] long bus; wire [7:0] shortbus; assign shortbus = longbus[12:5]; // Concatenating is by {} ..

Lecture 6: Sequential Logic Design

Combinatinal circuit output depends only on current input We want circuits that produce output depending on current and past input values (circuit with memory) Latcehs and Flip-Flops very fast, parallel access very expensive (1 bit cost tens of transistors) we want to prevent forbidden state in the first place. D latches use Write enable we can prevent forbidden state issue, but more expensive. ..
