AI/Yannic Kilcher 3

Implicit MLE: Backpropagating Through Discrete Exponential Family Distributions (Paper Explained)

we want to some how see image like left above , and find the shortest path and output that path with image like right above or how long is shortest path h,v = parameters(theta) things we cal when backprop problem is how we are gonna backpropagte since "fu" is for determing some property of shortest path ,for example getting distance of shortest path, but "hv" is about extracting input graph to t..

AI/Yannic Kilcher 2021.11.28

BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding

Transformer = uses attention elmo just concatenating hidden vectors from left and right LSTM. have 2 half blind model , suboptimal we want to single model to look left and right simultaneously gpt built for Language Model so it looks left to right = genrating language bert masked LM = replace words with mask pretrained with 2 tasks 1. feed 2 input sentence and guess is it reasonable next sentenc..

AI/Yannic Kilcher 2021.11.21