latent variable = doesn't have notation , what we observe is just a pixel but it might be eye color, hair color something like that
since it is hard to notate condition for latent variable, we use NN
in this case z is not infitie, it is discrete and limited
in this case Z is categorical distirbution , in this case K was 2 and model was able to cluster datas
z is now continous , having guassian distribution , before it had lookup table (categorical distribution)
diag, exp on covariance matrix is just modeling choice
z is for detecting unseen pixels (? marked images) when evaluating p(X=xbar;theta) we sum all the possible z.
for example put white pixel in all ? marked area. and evaluate probability and so on
the z are not observed at training time, in training time we only get to see x part
to evaluate x we need to go through all possible values that z variable can take
actually evaluating all possible z (latent) are too exepnsive, we do approximation
check "K" compeletion instead of all possibilities
since there is expectation , we can use monte carlo approach
assuming z is uniform , which will not work in practice
now we assume q distiribution
unbiased meaning , regradless of how we choose q , expected value of sample average will be true distribution's average
but what we want is log likelihood of p , but it is not unbiased estimator.
because exepction of log is not same as log of expectation.
log (the exepctation of f(z)) is always bigger than the expectation of log(f(z))
we are now trying to optimize right hand side
quantifying how tight the bound is.
best way of guessing z variables is to actually use the posterior distribution according to the model
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