AI/RL (2021 DeepMind x UCL )

Lecture 4: Theoretical Fund. of Dynamic Programming Algorithms

Tony Lim 2021. 11. 27. 13:09

Contraction mapping

we take a sequence that is convergent in that space , apply Transfomation (T) to that sequence,  we get another convergence sequence that covnerges to T of x.

which is limit of that sequence


fixed point

if apply T trasnform to x it goes back to original x


Banach Fixed Point Theorem

we can know that sequence is convergent to unique fixed point X star


The Bellman Optimality Operator


Value Iteration through th elens of the bellman operator

value iteration always converge as long as gamma is less than 1


Approximate Dynamic Programming

we have assumed prefect knowledge of the MDP and perfect / exact representation of the value funcitons


realistically , more often than not


we don't know the underlying MDP

=> sampling / estimation error , as we don't have access to the true operators "T"


we won't be able to represent the value function exactly after each update

=> approximation error , as we approximate the true value functions within a class


Objective = under the above conditions , come up with a policy pie that is close to optimal


A = Approximation ( sample or function approximation)

the case where function approximator might diverge


if gamma is high , even though we chose pretty good "q" it still might be far from optimal case, because our upper bounds are high

if gamm is low ,vice versa