AI/RL (2021 DeepMind x UCL )

Lecture 2: Exploration and Exploitation (part 1)

Tony Lim 2021. 11. 13. 11:51

in this lecture we simplify the setting

the enviromnet is assumed to have only a single state , actions no longer have long-term consequences in the enviroment

actions still do impact immediate reward , not environment , other observation can be ignored because env has only 1 state


exploitation = maximise performance based on current knowledge

exploration = increase knowledge , exposing self to new data


The Multi-Armed Bandit


values and regret

regret is not a random thing it is more like opportunity cost

more regret you get the worse your doing



total regret is random quantity because it depends on the action we take , and action can be random because policy can be random




action values

if we selection certain action "a" at time step n indicator function will be 1 otherwise 0

In addition to calculating the average , we can just incrementally update estimtate action value



pie indicates policy at time t given action "a" == just picking "a" that gives highest estimate action value

with greedy policy in this case agent will never select action "a"


epslion greedy algorithm

as seen in example above greedy can stuck on an suboptimal action forever

However, the algorithm will continue to search even if it finds an optimal policy.


policy search = want to learn policies directly ,instead of learning values

define action preferences and normalize it with softmax

goal is to learn by optimising the preferences


policy gradients (gradient bandits) = want to update policy parameters such that expected value increases , theta is policy parameter

instead of actually computing expectation , we can sample some and use stochastic gradient

preference of selelcting action At will only increate be cause all the seoncd term values are positve (if reward is positive)

at the same time preference of selecting other action will goes down little bit (below equation) , the amount of decrease depends on how likely they are to be selected

preferenecs for actions with higher rewards increase more (or decrease less), making them more likely to be selected again , but can be stuck into local optimal

since it sums up to zero we can just subtract baseline