AI/RL (2021 DeepMind x UCL )

Lecture 1: Introduction to Reinforcement Learning

Tony Lim 2021. 11. 7. 12:08


building adult brain is hard but buidling child brain and let it become adult brain might be easier


what is rl

can learn without examples of optimal behaviour

the interaction loop , agent exectue action , agent receive observation.

goal = optimise sum of rewards ,through repeated interaction , a long term goal


2 different goal

1. find solutions

manufacturing robot with a specific purpose, program that plays chess well

2. adapt online, deal with unforeseen circumstances , generalization

chess program that can learn to adapt to you

robot that can learn to navigate unknown terrains


discretime , continuous time also exisit

reward is scalar feedback signal

any goal can be formalized as the outcome of maximizing a cumulative reward = return


the value at some state s is expected 1st reward[Rt+1] you get after being in that state and the value of the state that you expect to be in[v(St+1)]


 if the probability of a reward and subsequent state doesn't change if we add more history that decision process is markov

this mean sthat the state contains all we need to know from the history , doesn't mean it contains everything but adding more history won't help

typicall the agent state St is some compression of Ht

agent state can be seen as environment state if fully observable (markov)


Partial observability (not markovian)

a robot with camera vision isn't told its absolute location

the environemnt state can be markov but the agent doesnt know it



Inside the Agent : the policy

value function

value function depends on policy

discount factor = trades off importance of immediate vs long-term rewards

if zero only cares about immediate , if one all rewards are going to be important.



predicts what the environment will do next


agent categories

value based = no policy, depends on value function

policy based = no value function , just explict policy

actor critic = policy exist , value function is used to update that policy in some way

model free = have policy or value function , but no model

model based = does have model


subproblems of RL

prediction = evaluate the future (for a given policy)

control = optimise the future (find the best policy)

 2 things are strongly related , if we have good prediction we can use it to find good policy