Algorithm/Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Augmentation: Range Trees , B-Tree

Tony Lim 2021. 10. 14. 09:46

Finger Search Tree (level link 2-3 tree and store keys in leafs)

if we have already node y we want to search x from y in O(lg |rank(y) - rank(x)| ) time. 

beside leaf nodes every node contains min and max. e.g) left most == min(1) max(7) , top == min(1) , max(9)

every iteration we go up by 1 level.

at N iteration we we will skipping roughly 2^N or 3^N since it is 2-3 tree.

if abs(rank(x) - rank(y)) = k , then N is going to be logk


Range Tree (used in DB index)

here db's columns are same as dimension

Qustion = we want to search ranges for given queries

these are 2d and 3d cases , rectangles are queries.

in 1D case we preprocess our element in Perfect Binary Search Tree.

assume we want to search a from b

1. while we walk up from a whenever we get right parent we want that node and subtree to the right.

2. whille we walk up from b whenever we get left parent we want that node and subtree to the left.

we do this repeatly and alternately until we meet at the top

it takes about 2*logn = O(logn)


in 2d case

project every point on to the x axis. and to above algorithm like in 1d case.

but some of them are out of range of query(blue box).


now we do same 1d case with y projection and make blue range tree.

blue tree satisfy query condition.

total time takes O(log^2 N) time.

total space takes nlog^(d-1) n. because duplicate key 'k' , for example , only happens logn times. so for every dimension our space become large as log factor. 



B Tree = at every key it has recordpointer, and child pointer represent a block pointer.


B+ Tree = same as B Tree , every key has it's recordpointer but not on the same level node , but on leaf node

which is more like dense index ,