AI/NLP (cs224n)

Lec2) Word Vectors and Word Senses

Tony Lim 2021. 4. 6. 01:26

most of the word vectors are represented as row


Gradient Descent

computing naviely takes too much time.

Stochastic gradient descent(SGD) = randomly choose small sample(or batch) for each step and do same regular gradient descent, effectively computing faster.


Skip - grams = you have 1 center word and predict all the 'outside' words in the context

Continous Bag of Words = predict center words from context words


negative sampling

trying to mimize object function 

1. we want our observed words to have high probability

2. we choose K random words and give them low probability 

by this little change we can sort of reduce high frequency problem



countbased + distrubtion 

using probe word (solid ,gas water..) we can measure co-relation between word (ice, steam)

f is for reducing power of high frequency words

glove tries to capture the counts of the overall statistics of how often these words appear together






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