
전체 글 494

Lecture 4 - Maximum Likelihood Learning

using rnn with maksing to act like autoregressive model (looking back only , ordering conditional probabiltily)cnn with masked to be autoregressive, this masked convolution causes blind spot and need to be taken care of.one way is to use multiple convolution with different maskingPixelDefend can detect adversarial examplesBPD(X) ~= − log pCNN(X)/(I × J × K × log 2) for an image of resolution I ×..

Lecture 3 - Autoregressive Models

위 3가지 조건을 만족하는 model distribution을 찾고 싶다.in order to use chain rule you need to pick order, and there is no ground rule for this.seperate probability distribution using chain rule.first one is conditional probability table(CPT) because it is the very first pixel and doesn't rely on anythingfrom second pixel we use logisitic regressionautoregressive = trying to predict parts of each data point, g..

Lecture 2 - Background

represent 하는 state는 2^n 개이지만 joint pdf 를 나타내기위한 필요한 parameter 개수는 2^n-1 이다.마지막 1개는 1- (the other parameter's probabilty)를 해서 계산할 수 있으니까but when assuming RV are indepdent variable. we can calculate joint distribution by mulitpling each pdand then we only need N parameters , since we know how to calculate joint distribution.before example we didn't know how to calculate joint distrubiton so we lit..
