
Lesson 13 - Token implementations in OAuth 2 systems

Tony Lim 2022. 5. 9. 11:09

why authorization_code is better than just implicit grant type . isn't it just one more step?

implicit -> authorization server delivers access token with no guarantee that receiver will be the right one , client might be not intended client

bad guy just can take acces token


authorization_code -> having authorization code is not enough bad guy needs client's credenitial.

also send auth_code is request not response  -> request can be easily interposed by someone but response is not



opaque token -> cannot validate  need to ask AuthenticationServer if it is valid token

need to specify what encoder you will use for client's credential otherwise it will use encoder configured in usermanagementConfigure class


send request to /oauth/check_token with access token

in configure method we need to set checkTokenAcess("permitAll()")

with checkTokenAccess("isAuthenticated()") -> need additinally specify client credentital in basic Auth