even though it has string even though directory's size is 0.
in this case since it is "S" == sleeping in an interruptible wait
file descriptor for stdin ,stdout ,stderr
when i did the redirection of stdout "something" appeared in the othe terminal.
every process has a thread and in this example 2852 is thread id
all the numbers are the directories created on the fly for every process. other deals with information regarding the kernel
23996 is process id of ls command
Software Installation
to download sourcefile of certain package == $ apt-get source <package>
if you do not enable "deb-src" file you will get error as above so i added this
after this process i could download hello source files.
we can check what i have downloaded from here
to make use of this we can check file name INSTALL
after running $ ./configure we will get a Makefile
$ sudo make && make install and finally i can print hello world!
'Operating System > O.S(Arif Butt)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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Task scheduling (Lec13) (0) | 2021.01.14 |
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