
Lesson 4 - The AuthenticationProvider

Tony Lim 2022. 5. 5. 17:00

if authentication is not done by username and password we won't need UserDetailService and PasswordEncoder

but we always need implementation of Authentication Provider




1. if request is for authentication -> return fully authenticated Authentication isntance

2. if authenticate fail -> throw any kind of AuthenitcationException

3. if request's authentication object is not supported by this method -> return null , cannot decide and shoudl find another AuthenticationProvider

support method is for before calling actual authenticate method -> authentication manager can check 

UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken is class that implement Authentication class and used for basic Auth(Postman). 

after succsessful authentication we give newly authenticated UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken which is authentication



Authentication is container , before authenticate boolean will be false

getCredenitals = password , it is not always String so it is Object

getDetails = oauth thing

getPrincipal = consider as user it self


if we want to add more we just keep calling auth.authenticationProvider(something1).authenticationProvider(soemthing2)