
[java brains] Filters , Configure

Tony Lim 2021. 4. 12. 22:23

Spring Security Filter checks all the request before servelt handles.


what does it do? when you add spring - security - starter

  1. Adds mandatory authentication for URLs except for /error
  2. Adds login form
  3. Handles login error
  4. Creates a user and sets a default password

you can also create your own ID and PASSWORD by writing this in your application.yml

      name: tony
      password: 1234


Basic Configure

Authentication Manager "authenticate" every thing

but we dont directly deal with Authentication Mangaer we configure AM using AMBuilder

spring security gives access to AMBuilder by overriding configure method in WebSecurityConfigureAdapter (one of many hanlderapdater in spring)

if you don't override spring security use default just like we have seen before.

public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
    protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception

    public PasswordEncoder getPasswordEncoder()
        return NoOpPasswordEncoder.getInstance();

What PasswordEncoder does is they hash the password and id but in my case we are not doing any encoding.
since @Bean is there Spring Security looks for it and user my PasswordEncoder for hashing id and password


Authentication Configure

This is the configuration we want to configure. we need HttpSecurity . and we can get it same way as AMBuilder     

by overriding other configure method

public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
    protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception

    public PasswordEncoder getPasswordEncoder()
        return NoOpPasswordEncoder.getInstance();


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